Genitive adjectives and possessive adjectives are both very often used in phrases that describe possession or ownership, however they are quite different grammatically.
We use a genitive adjectiveNo definition set for adjectiveLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. to describe any genitive nounNo definition set for nounLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.. In a possessive expression, the genitive adjective provides extra information about the owner / possessor.
genitive adjectivegenitive noun
У его старшего брата есть большая семья.
oo iVO STARshyva BRAta yest balSHAya simYA.
His older brother has a big family.
→ The genitive adjective старшего(older) provides more information about the possessor брата(the brother).
Genitive adjectives are also used to describe any genitive noun! Even those that are not used to express possession!
Possessive adjectives directly represent the owner. The noun that a possessive adjective provides extra information about the owned thing and it can be in any case.
possessive adjectivenominative noun
папины вещи
PApiny VYEshci
→ In English, possessive adjectives are limited to words that are like pronouns (e.g. “my” or “your”) but in Russian there are more of these words to learn!
In this post, we will briefly review all of the uses and forms of genitive and possessive adjectives in Russian to help clarify the difference between the two. Ready to have a look? Let’s go!Paragraph content
When to use genitive adjectives in Russian?
In Russian, a genitive adjective is used to describe a noun in the genitive case. The genitive case has a wide range of uses. To give a few examples, a genitive adjective might be used to describe…
A noun that is an owner / possessor
genitive adjectivegenitive noun
У его старшего брата есть большая семья.
oo iVO STARshyva BRAta yest balSHAya simYA.
His older brother has a big family.
компьютер моего лучшего друга
oo iVO STARshyva BRAta yest balSHAya simYA.
my best friend's computer
A noun that is absent
genitive adjectivegenitive noun
В этом городе нет ни интересных музеев, ни дорогих ресторанов, ни даже центральной площади.
v Etom GOradye nyet ni intiRYESnykh mooZYEif ni daraGEEKH ristaRAnaf ni DAzhe tsynTRALnay PLOshchidi
There are no interesting museums, or expensive restaurants, not even a central square in this city.
Nouns that follow certain prepositions
genitive adjectivegenitive nounquantity word
Аптека находится около нового театра, справа от справа от картинной галереи, ни даже напротив разных магазинов.
apTYEka naKHOditsa Okala NOvava tiAtra SPRAva at karTEEnay galiRYEi napROtif RAZnykh magaZEEnaf
The pharmacy is located near the new theater, to the right of the picture gallery, in front of the various shops.
Nouns that follow certain quantity words
genitive adjectivegenitive nounquantity word
Много американских студентов учится за границей.
MNOga amiriKANskikh stooDENtaf OOchitsa za graNEEtsey
A lot of American students study abroad.
Nouns that follow most numbers
genitive adjectivegenitive nounquantity word
Вот 20 лучших зарубежных фильмов прошлого года.
vot DVAtsat LOOCHshykh zarooBYEZHnykh FILmaf PROSHlava GOda
Here are the 20 best foreign movies of the last year.
The rules about which case and number you should use after a Russian number are quite complex. Here is a quick summary:
| | |
| | genitive plural → with masculine or neuter nouns |
| | nominative plural → with feminine nouns |
For a lot more discussion and examples, check out our post on how to form and use cardinal numbers in Russian.
How to form genitive adjectives in Russian?
The chart below illustrates how to form a genitive adjective in Russian by changing the ending on its nominative form.
The letter -г[g] in the masculine genitive adjective endings is pronounced like a -в[v]:
У лучшего друга
oo LOOCHshiva DROOga
Без нового телефона
bez NOvava tiliFOna
without a new (cell)phone…
What are possessive adjectives in Russian?
Possessive adjectives in Russian are adjectives that describe a possessed noun and stand for the owner or possessor of the noun they describe. Possessive adjectives are usually formed out of people’s first names or the titles for family members (e.g. mom, dad, grandma,...). They are most common in spoken Russian.
| mother’s; belonging to mother |
| Misha’s; belonging to Misha |
Besides their meaning, though, possessive adjectives are just like other adjectives in Russian — they can describe nouns in any case and they agreeNo definition set for agreeLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. with the noun they describe. For example:
possessive adjectivenominative noun
папины вещи
PApiny VYEshci
в большом доме
v balSHOM DOme
How to form possessive adjectives in Russian?
In Russian, possessive adjectives are formed by adding the suffix -ин[in] to nouns that end in -а[a] or -я[ya]. Here are some examples:
| | Grandmother → Grandmother’s |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Expressing possession with possessive adjectives vs. the genitive case
Most Russian nouns cannot be turned into possessive adjectives. When using a noun that cannot be turned into a possessive adjective you’ll have to use the standard genitive possessive construction. For example:
Possessor Noun
genitive case
Let’s do a side-by-side comparison of the possessive with possessive adjectives vs. a noun in the genitive case.
nominative case папины вещи PApiny VYEshci | nominative casegenitive case |
prepositional case в большом дедушкином доме v balSHOM DEdooshkinam DOme | prepositional casegenitive case в большом доме дедушки v balSHOM DOme DEdooshki |
genitive case без бабушкиной еды bez BAbooshkinay yidy | genitive case без еды бабушки bez yidy BAbooshki |
⤷ TIPTo remember the difference, just remember that an adjective that describes a possessed noun will always have the same case as the possessed noun, but a noun gets its own case!
For more examples and charts illustrating how to use possessive adjectives, have a look at the Russian possessive adjectives reference sheet at the bottom of this page!
In this post, we’ve covered two different types of adjectives that are often used when discussing possession in Russian. Here’s what you should remember about the difference between the two:
Genitive adjectives describe the possessor (or any other noun in the genitive case). The genitive adjective endings are:
-ого[ova] / -его[yeva] for masculine and neuter
-ой[oy] / -ей[yey] for feminine
-ых[ykh] / -их[ikh] for plural
Possessive adjectives describe the possessed noun by providing information about who owns it.
Possessive adjectives are formed by replacing the final -а[a] / -я[ya] from a name or title and replacing it with -ин[in]. Then adjective agreement endings are added.
Nouns that don’t end in -а / -я can’t be turned into possessive adjectives, so those will just be in the genitive case.
Now let’s master your adjectives in the genitive case by downloading the exercises below!
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