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Mandarin Chinese Articles

How to distinguish the conjunctions 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) in Mandarin?

By: Chun-Yi Peng Fri Aug 30 2024
Mandarin chinese

To distinguish the conjunctions 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě), the two ways of saying “or” in Mandarin, keep an eye on whether the sentence they are used in is a question or a statement. Generally speaking, 还是 (háishì) is for offering two or more choices in a question. 或者 (huòzhě), or sometimes 或是 (huòshì), is usually used in a statement. Let’s take a look at the following dialogue:

A: 你今天想吃中餐还是西餐?

(Nǐ jīntiān xiǎng chī zhōngcān háishì xīcān?)

Do you want to eat a Chinese or Western (style) meal today?

B: 我们吃西餐吧。我想吃法国菜或者西班牙菜。

(Wǒmen chī xīcān ba. Wǒ xiǎng chī Fǎgúo cài hùozhě Xībānyá cài.)

Let’s do Western. I’d like to eat either French or Spanish food.

In this dialogue, speaker A presents two choices in a question by using 还是  (háishì), and speaker B connects the two alternatives (i.e., French or Spanish food) with 或者 (huòzhě) in a statement. This is the general rule when it comes to distinguishing 还是 and 或者.

In this post, we will take a closer look at 还是 and 或者, and how to use them in different contexts, such as in questions, suggestions, and statements.

Table of Contents

    How to use 还是 (háishì) for presenting choices

    还是 (háishi) is used for presenting choices in questions and statements. Let’s discuss!

    How to use 还是 in a question?

    还是 is most commonly used in a question for presenting choices, as we saw in the example at the beginning of the post. These choices can be two nouns, two verbs, or even two adjectives.
    For example:


    (Nǐ yào hóngchá háishì lǜchá?)

    Do you want black tea or green tea?


    (Nǐ zhōumò xiǎng yào kàn diànyǐng háishì chànggē?)

    Would you like to see a movie or sing (karaoke) on the weekend?


    (Xué Zhōngwén jiǎndān haíshì kùnnan?)

    Is learning Chinese easy or hard?

    You can soften the tone of the question with  (ne).

    How to use 还是 in a statement/indirect question?

    还是 can sometimes be used in a statement when it is tied with particular structures, such as:

    • indirect questions, and

    • in the structure below:

    不论 (bùlùn) / 不管 (bùgǔan) (no matter whether) A 还是 B, ...

    Let's start with indirect questions:

    What is an indirect question?

    Indirect questions are questions embedded in a statement. For example:

    • What does she like? (direct question)

    • I don’t know what she likes. (indirect question)

    Look at the following indirect questions in Mandarin:


    (Wǒ bù zhīdào tā xiǎng hē chá háishì kāfē.)

    I don’t know if he wants tea or coffee.


    (Wǒ bù quèdìng tā yào qù Yīngguó háishì Měiguó.)

    I’m not sure if he is going to the UK or the US.

    In these examples, 还是 is still used for presenting choices, but it is inside a question embedded in a statement.

    How to use 还是 with 不论 (bùlùn) / 不管(bùgǔan) (no matter whether)?

    Another way of using 还是 in a statement is with 不论 / 不管... 还是:


    (Bùlùn guāfēng háishì xiàyǔ, tā cún bù chídào.)

    No matter whether it is windy or rainy, he is never late.


    When used in a statement, 还是 (háishì) and 或者 (huòzhě) are usually interchangeable! In other words, you can use 或者 for the three examples above as well!

    What does 还是 mean in suggestions?

    When 还是 is used in the 还是... 吧 (ba) structure, it does not mean “or”; is commonly used at the end of a sentence for suggestions. The 还是... 吧 (ba) structure is for suggesting a choice after considering different options. For example:


    (Míngtiān huì xià yǔ wǒmen háishì béi chūmén ba.)

    It is going to rain tomorrow. We’d better stay at home.


    (Kāichē tài máfan le, háishì dā hǔochē ba.)

    Driving is too troublesome. We’d better take the train.

    The first example above implies that the speaker was thinking about going out, but after considering the situation, they suggested that it'd be better to stay at home. In both examples, 还是 implies that the suggestion was made after considering different options or situations.

    How to use 或者 (huòzhě) for connecting alternatives?

    或者 (huòzhě) is used in statements and in questions. Let’s see how!

    How to use 或者 in a statement?

    或者 is most commonly used in a statement to connect alternatives, unlike 还是. It does not ask for a choice. For example:


    (Dā huǒchē huòzhě kāichē dōu xíng.)

    Either taking a train or driving is fine.


    (Nǐ kěyǐ gēn tā shūo Zhōngwén huòzhě Yīngwén.)

    You can speak Chinese or English with him.

    In both examples, 或者 connects two alternatives, or possibilities, but it doesn’t require the listener to make a choice, like 还是 does.

    How to use 或者 in a yes-no question?

    Occasionally, 或者 can also be used in a yes-no question, i.e., a question with (ma) at the end. For example:


    (Nǐ qùguò Běijīng huòzhě Shànghǎi ma?)

    Have you been to Beijing or Shanghai?

    In this example, 或者 only connects the alternatives, but does not offer choices. To make this clearer, let’s take a look at the example. The question is asking, “Do you have the experience of going to Beijing or Shanghai?” rather than offering choices. Let’s put this sentence in context. You might be talking about your experience living in big cities in China, and you want to ask someone, “Have you been to Beijing or Shanghai?” You do not want to know if they have been to Beijing or to Shanghai, but in general, you would like to know if they have been to a big city in China. In this case, you’re not using 或者 to offer choices, but to connect the two alternatives.

    How to use 或者 as an adverb for suggestions?

    What is an adverb?

    An adverb is a word or phrase that is used to modify another word (usually an adjective, like “very” below) or to modify the entire sentence. For example,

    • He is very tall. (“very” modifies “tall.”)

    • Perhaps we can go out tonight. (“Perhaps” modifies the entire sentence.)

    It is useful to know that 或者 can also mean “perhaps” in some cases, as seen in the example below:


    (Jīntiān xiàyǔ, wǒmen háishì bié chūmén ba! Huòzhě wǒmen kěyǐ zài jiā kàn diànyǐng.)

    It's raining today. We’d better not go out! Perhaps we can watch a movie at home.

    Like earlier, 还是 used here is for making a suggestion after considering the situation and other options. And 或者 in the second sentence functions as an adverb — meaning “perhaps” — to provide an alternative.


    Although 还是 and 或者 are similar in meaning, as they both mean “or,” the easiest way to distinguish them is to ask “is it a question?” or “is it a statement?” If you are using “or” in a question to present two or more choices to someone, then what you need is 还是. But, if you use it in a statement to connect two alternatives, then you will need 或者 for that.

    type of sentence


    (Nǐ yào hóngchá háishì lǜchá?)

    Do you want red tea or green tea?


    (Nǐ qùguò Běijīng huòzhě Shànghǎi ma?)

    Have you been to Beijing or Shanghai?



    (Wǒ bù zhīdào tā xiǎng hē chá háshì kāfēi.)

    I don’t know if he wants to drink tea or coffee.


    (Chá huòzhě kāfēi dōu xíng.)

    Either tea or coffee is fine.



    (Háishì bié chūmén ba.)

    We’d better not go out.


    (Huòzhě wǒmen kěyǐ zài jiā kàn diànyǐng.)

    Perhaps we can see a movie at home.

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