The verbs бежать[biZHAT](to run), хотеть[khaTYET](to want), есть[yest](to eat), мочь[moch](can), and спать[spat](to sleep) do not have imperfective adverbial form.
To make the verb быть[byt](to be) an adverbial, use the suffix -учи[oochi] → будучи[BOOdoochi](being).
Надо читать много книг, будучи студентом.
NAda chiTAT MNOga kneek, BOOdoochi stooDYENtam
You need to read a lot of books as (lit. being) a student.
The suffix -учи[oochi] is used in a few other verbal adverbs, like играючи[igRAyuchi](playing) or припеваючи[pripiVAyuchi](singing), but these are very old forms, today mostly used in set expressions, like:
жить припеваючи
zhyt pripiVAyuchi
live happily ever after (lit. to live singing)
долго ли умеючи
DOLga li ooMYEyuchi
done fast, well and with ease

What are verbal adverbs in Russian?
In Russian, verbal adverbs (деепричастие[dyeyepriCHAstiye]) are verbsNo definition set for verbsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. that are used as adverbsNo definition set for adverbsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. — to add information about another action or process. Verbal adverbs have some characteristics of verbs and some characteristics of adverbs. For example:
Прочитав письмо, он сразу начал писать ответ.
prachiTAF pisMO, on SRAzoo NAchal piSAT atVYET
Having read the letter, he immediately began writing a response.
Читая быстро, она ничего не понимает.
chiTAya BYStra, aNA nichiVO ni paniMAit
Reading quickly, she doesn't understand anything.
Verb Characteristics | Adverb Characteristics |
Verbal adverbs, like прочитав and читая, are almost exclusively used in written Russian and very rarely in colloquial everyday speech. They are sometimes called “adverbial participles” because many of them can be translated into English participles like “reading” and “having read.”
Do you want to learn more about verbal adverbs, how they are formed and observe them in sentences? Continue reading!
Table of Contents
What are the types of Russian verbal adverbs?
In Russian, we use verbal adverbs to describe an action or situation, just like you might use an adverb.
Встав рано утром, она успела сделать больше за день.
fstaf RAna OOTram, aNA oosPYEla ZDYElat BOLshe za dyen
By having gotten up early in the morning, she managed to get more done in a day.
Verbal adverbs are a type of adverb, but they come from verbs, so they can be associated with other words and phrases that are typically associated with verbs, like objectsNo definition set for objectsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum., adverbsNo definition set for adverbsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum., or prepositional phrasesNo definition set for prepositional phrasesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.. You should use the same caseNo definition set for caseLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. for a noun associated with a verbal adverb that you would use if you were using the verb in another context.
- verbal adverbinstrumental case
Занимаясь спортом, вы будете чувствовать себя лучше.
zaniMAyas SPORtam, vy BOOditi CHOOStvavat siBYA LOOCHshe
By doing sports you will feel better.
→ This is a verbal adverb used with a noun in the instrumental case, which is the same case we would use when using the verb заниматься спортом[zaniMAtsya SPORtam](to do sports). - verbal adverbaccusative case
Подписав договор, президенты пожали друг другу руки.
padpiSAF dagaVOR, priziDYENty paZHAli drook DROOgoo ROOki
Having signed the agreement, the presidents shook hands.
→ This is a verbal adverb used with a direct object noun in the accusative case. It’s the same case we would use for the object of the verb подписать договор[padpiSAT dagaVOR](to sign an agreement).
In Russian, verbal adverb phrases (verbal adverbs and their associated words) are positioned in the sentence like an adverb, at the beginning, at the end, or after the subject. For instance:
Получив деньги за работу, он успел раздать долги.
palooCHEEF DYENgi za raBOtoo, on oosPYEL razDAT dalGEE
Having received money for his work, he managed to pay off his debts.
Он успел раздать долги, получив деньги за работу.
on oosPYEL razDAT dalGEE, palooCHEEF DYENgi za raBOtoo
He managed to pay off his debts, having received money for his work.
Он успел, получив деньги за работу, раздать долги.
on oosPYEL, palooCHEEF DYENgi za raBOtoo, razDAT dalGEE
He managed, having received money for his work, to pay off his debts.
Notice that, in writing, the verbal adverb phrase is always separated out by commas.
There are two types of verbal adverbs in Russian: imperfective and perfective. Imperfective verbal adverbs are formed from imperfective verbs and perfective verbal adverbs are formed from perfective verbs.
- Imperfective:
Вставая рано утром, вы будете успевать сделать больше за день.
fstaVAya RAna OOTram, vy BOOditye oospiVAT ZDYElat BOLshe za dyen
By getting up early in the morning, you will have time to get more done in a day.
- Perfective:
Встав рано утром, она успела сделать больше за день.
fstaf RAna OOTram, aNA oosPYEla ZDYElat BOLshe za dyen
Having gotten up early in the morning, she managed to get more done in a day.
Each type is formed and used a little differently. Let’s have a look at the differences!
How to use imperfective verbal adverbs in Russian?
In Russian, we use imperfective verbal adverbs to describe an action or situation that goes simultaneously with the main action of the sentence – they answer the question when/while doing what? The verbal adverb itself does not change with the tense (past/present/future) of the rest of the sentence, the time it refers to will be the same as the tense of the main verb. For example:
Past | Слушая музыку Моцарта, он забыл обо всём. SLOOshaya MOOzykoo MOtsarta, on zaBYL aba fsyom Listening to Mozart's music, he forgot about everything. |
Past | Слушая музыку Моцарта, он забывает обо всём. SLOOshaya MOOzykoo MOtsarta, on zabyVAit aba fsyom Listening to Mozart's music, he forgets about everything. |
Future | Слушая музыку Моцарта, он забудет обо всём. SLOOshaya MOOzykoo MOtsarta, on zaBOOdit aba fsyom Listening to Mozart's music, he will forget about everything. |
In general, the action of the verbal adverb indicates the time of the main action, the reason for the main action, the conditions that resulted in the main action, or the manner in which the main action was completed. They can be replaced by subordinate clausesNo definition set for subordinate clausesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. beginning with words like: когда[kagDA](when) or пока[paKA](while), так как[tak kak](because) or потому что[pataMOOshta](because), or если[YSli](if).
Sentence with Imperfective Verbal Adverbs | Sentence with a Subordinate Clause |
Она готовила завтрак, разговаривая по телефону. aNA gaTOvila ZAFtrak, razgaVArivaya pa tiliFOnoo She was preparing breakfast, (while) talking on the phone. | Она готовила завтрак, когда разговаривала по телефону. aNA gaTOvila ZAFtrak, kagDA razgaVArivala pa tiliFOnoo She was preparing breakfast when she was talking on the phone. |
Не зная законы страны, я не мог ничего сделать. ni ZNAya zaKOny straNY, ya ni mok nichiVO ZDYElat Not knowing the laws of the country, I could not do anything. | Так как я не знал законы страны, я не мог ничего сделать. tak kak ya ni znal zaKOny straNY, ya ni mok nichiVO SDYElat Since I didn't know the laws of the country, I couldn't do anything. |
Читая больше на русском, вы будете лучше говорить и понимать. chiTAya BOLshe na ROOSkam vy BOOditye LOOCHshe gavaREET i paniMAT (By) reading more in Russian, you will speak and understand better. | Если вы будете читать больше на русском, вы будете лучше говорить и понимать. YESli vy BOOditye chiTAT BOLshe na ROOSkam vy BOOditye LOOCHshye gavaREET i paniMAT If you read more in Russian, you will speak and understand better. |
How to form imperfective verbal adverbs in Russian?
Imperfective verbal adverbs are formed by adding -а[a] or -я[ya] to the present tense base of an imperfective verb. This present tense base can be formed by removing the last two letters from the present tense, third person plural (“they”) form in the present tense.
Imperfective verb
Third person plural
(present tense)
the last two letters
-а[a] after ж[zh], ш[sh], ч[ch], щ[shch]
-я[ya] after other letters
Now let’s see how it works:
Imperfective infinitive | 3rd person plural present tense | Remove | Base | Verbal adverb ending | Imperfective verbal adverb |
говорить gavaREET to speak | говорят gavaRYAT | -ят | говор- gavaRY- | я[ya] | говоря gavaRYA speaking |
слышать SLYshat to hear | слышат SLYshat | -ат | слыш- SLYsh- | а[a] | слыша SLYsha hearing |
думать DOOmat to think | думают DOOmayut | -ют | дума- DOOma- | я[ya] | думая DOOmaya thinking |
учиться* ooCHEEtsa to study | учатся OOchatsa | -ат and ся (reflexiveness) | уч- OOch- | а[a] and сь[s] (reflexiveness) | учась ooCHAS studying |
Идти iTEE to go | идут iDOOT | -ут | ид- iD- | я[ya] | идя iDYA going |
You can turn a passive verb into a verbal adverb by using the verbal adverb form of быть[byt](to be). For example:
Он провёл в тюрьме много лет будучи изолированным от мира.
On praVYEL v tyurMYE MNOga lyet BOOdoochi izaLEEravanym at MEEra
He spent many years in prison being isolated from the world.
Though the word хотя[khaTYA](although), looks like a verbal adverb from хотеть[khaTYET](to want), and historically was a verbal adverb, today is actually a conjunction meaning “although,” and so cannot be used as a verbal adverb.
How to use perfective verbal adverbs in Russian?
In Russian, we use perfective verbal adverbs to describe a finished action that preceded the main action or situation of the sentence. Perfective adverbs answer the question “having done what?” or “after doing what?” For example:
Открыв окно, женщина вдохнула свежий аромат осени.
atKRYF akNO ZHENshchina vdaKHNOOla SVYEzhiy araMAT Osini
Having opened the window, the woman inhaled the fresh autumn air.
Often you can use a perfective verbal adverbs like you would use a subordinate clause that starts with words like когда[kagDA](when), потому что[pataMOOshta](because), or если[YSli](if).
Sentence with Perfective Verbal Adverbs | Sentence with Conjunction |
Войдя в комнату, он начал уборку. vayDYA f KOMnatoo, on NAchal ooBORkoo Having entered the room, he began cleaning. | Когда он вошёл в комнату, он начал уборку. kagDA on vaSHOL f KOMnatoo, on NAchal ooBORkoo When he entered the room, he began cleaning. |
Узнав о трагедии, мы позвонили родителям. oozNAF a traGYEdii, my pazvaNEEli raDEEtilyam Having learned about the tragedy, we called our parents. | Мы позвонили родителям, потому что узнали о трагедии. my pazvaNEEli raDEEtilyam, pataMOO shta oozNAli a traGYEdii We called our parents because we learned about the tragedy. |
Только закончив доклад, я смогу обсудить его с тобой. TOLka zaKONchif dakLAT, ya smaGOO absooDEET iVO s taBOY Only (after) having finished the report will I be able to discuss it with you. | Только если я закончу доклад, я смогу обсудить его с тобой. TOLka YESli ya zaKONchoo dakLAT, ya smaGOO absooDEET iVO s taBOY Only if I finish the report will I be able to discuss it with you. |
How to form perfective verbal adverbs in Russian?
Perfective verbal adverbs can be formed only from perfective verbs. To form perfective verbal adverbs, add the suffixes -в[v], -вши[vshi], -ши[shi], or -а[a]/-я[ya] to the stem of the past tense of the verb.
Perfective verb
Masculine singular
(past tense)
the last letter
-в[v]-вши[fshy]-ши[shy]-я[ya]Now let’s see how it works:
If the masculine singular past tense form ends in -л[l] (or -лся[lsya], for reflexivesNo definition set for reflexivesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.), replace -л with -в[v] or -вши[fshy]. With non-reflexive verbs it is usually best to use -в[v], and with reflexive verbs it’s best to use -вши[fshy], which will look like -вшись[fshys] after you add the reflexive ending back on, but there is some flexibility.
singularRemoveVerbal adverb endingPerfective
verbal adverbпоговорить
to speak
having spoken
to hear
having heard
to graduate
вши[a] and сь[s]
having graduated
If the past tense ends in some other consonant, you will usually add the -ши[shy] to the past tense.
singularRemoveVerbal adverb endingPerfective
verbal adverbиспечь
to bake
having baked
But there are two special cases where you do something a bit different:
If a perfective verb in infinitive has suffix -ну[noo] but lost it in the past tense masculine singular form, it will be back in verbal adverb perfective form.
singularRemoveVerbal adverb endingPerfective
verbal adverbпривыкнуть
to get used to
Suffix ну[noo] is back +в[v]
having got used to
Some perfective verbs with a stem ending in з[z], с[s], or д[d], т[t], or prefixed verbs of motion ending in -йти[yti], form perfective verbal adverbs with -я[ya], same as imperfective verbs.
singularRemoveReplace with
-в[v] or -вши[vshee]
or -я[ya]Perfective
verbal adverbпривезти
to bring
having brought
Some verbs have 2 verbal adverb forms:
Принести[prinisTEE](to bring) → принёсши[priNYOshy] / принеся[priniSYA]
Запереть[zapiRYET](to lock) → заперши[ZApyershy] / заперев[zapiRYEF]
Let's review what we've learned about verbal adverbs.
There are imperfective (formed from imperfective verbs) and perfective (formed from perfective verbs) verbal adverbs in Russian.
They are mostly used in written Russian.
Imperfective verbal adverbs are formed with suffixes -а[a] or -я[ya].
Perfective verbal adverbs are formed with -в[v], -вши[vshee], -ши[shi], or -я[ya].
Imperfective and perfective verbal adverb can be replaced by the clauses using conjunctions когда[kagDA](when), потому что[pataMOOshta](because), etc.
In writing, the verbal adverbs are separated by commas.
Now let’s do some Russian verbal adverb exercises!