a highway cutting through rugged black mountains in Russia
Russian Articles

What are object prepositions in Russian?

By: Olga Maroz Fri Feb 28 2025
Prepositions, Sentence Structure

Object prepositions in Russian are small function words that are used to introduce a noun that is not a direct object of the verb, but that is still essential to the meaning of an action, an object, or a feeling in a similar way.

  • прочитать про преступление

    pracheeTAT pra pristooPLYEniye

    to read about crime

  • замки из песка

    ZAMki is pisKA

    sand castles

    lit. castles of sand

  • Он превратился в вампира.

    on privraTEELsya v vamPEEra

    He turned into a vampire.

In this post, we’ll introduce you to the different kinds of object prepositions in Russian and take you through the most important ones you’ll need to use. Ready to learn? Let’s go!

Table of Contents

    How to use object prepositions in Russian?

    Object prepositions in Russian are used to introduce a noun that is essential to an action, object, or feeling. These nouns can describe, for example:

    • what something is “about” (its topic)

      Говорить о погоде

      gavaREET a paGOdye

      to speak about the weather

    • what something is “made of” or “turns into”

      суп из овощей

      soop is avaSHCHYEY

      vegetable soup

      lit. soup of vegetables

      Небольшой дождь перешёл в ливень.

      nibalSHOY dosht piriSHOL v LEEvin

      Light rain turned into downpour.

    • the cause of a feeling or emotion

      Тоскавать по дому

      taskaVAT pa DOmoo


      lit. be sick for home

    • another noun (like a tool) that was required for the action

      играть на гитаре

      igRAT na giTArye

      to play (on) a guitar


    In grammar, a noun or phrase that is “essential” to the meaning of another word is called that word’s “complement.” So a Russian phrase that begins with an object preposition is the complement of a noun, verb, adjective, etc.

    The most important object prepositions in Russian are:

    • о[a](about) – with variants: об[ab] or обо[Aba]

    • насчёт[naSHCHYOT](about)

    • про[pra](about)

    • над[nad](on, at, against...)

    • на[na](on)

    • в[v](into, at, in)

    • из[is](of)

    • по[pa]

    Let’s go through each preposition one-by-one!

    • о (об / обо)

      The most frequent object preposition is о[o](about). After this preposition, use the prepositional case.

      • Мы часто говорим о работе с друзьями.

        my CHASta gavaREEM a raBOtye s droozYAmi

        We often talk about work with friends.

      • О чём вы часто беспокоитесь?

        a chyom vy CHASta bispaKOitis

        What do you often worry about?

      • Я уже год мечтаю об отпуске.

        Ya ooZHE got michTAyu ab OTpooskye

        I've been dreaming about vacation for a year now.

      • Он написал книгу обо всех своих путешествиях.

        on napiSAL KNEEgoo Aba fsyekh svaEEKH pootiSHEStviyakh

        He wrote a book about all his travels.


      о[a] = об[ab] = обо[Aba]

      • We use об[ab] when the following noun begins with vowels а[a], э[e], и[ee], о[o], or у[oo]. For instance:

        доклад об экологии

        dakLAT ab ikaLOgii

        a report about ecology

      • The form обо[Aba] is used only with pronouns in the expressions like:

        • обо мне[Aba mnye](about me)

        • обо всех[Aba fsyekh](about everyone)

      Check out our post on using the prepositional case with “about” in Russian to learn more!

    • насчёт

      The object preposition насчёт[naSHCHYOT](about/regarding) also expresses the meaning “about,” but is used in conjunction with nouns in the genitive case. For example:

      • На встрече партнёры договорились насчёт строительства нового здания.

        na FSTRYEchi parTNYOry dagavaREElis naSHCHYOT straEEtilstva NOvava ZDAniya

        At the meeting, the partners agreed on the construction of a new building.

      • Он ничего не сказал насчёт новой работы.

        on nichiVO ni skaZAL naSHCHYOT NOvay raBOty

        He didn't say anything about a new job.

    • про

      The object preposition про[pra](about) is a colloquial synonym to the preposition о[o] but you need to use the accusative case after it. For example:

      • Она рассказала всё про вас.

        aNA raskaZAla fsyo pra vas

        She told everything about you.

      • Он пишет детские истории про животных.

        on PEEshet DYETskiye KNEEgi pra zhyVOTnykh

        He writes children's stories about animals.


      How to choose between о, насчёт, and про? Though they are all interchangeable, they are slightly different in meaning and register.

      • You can use о[o] in any situation.

      • We mostly use про[pro] in spoken language.

      • насчёт[naSHCHYOT] carries a slight implication that you are talking about something that will come about in the future.

    • над

      The object preposition над[nad](on/at) is used in combination with verbs like:

      • работать[raBOtat](to work (on))

      • смеяться[smiYATsya](to laugh (at, about))

      It is also used with nouns like:

      • победа[paBYEda](victory (over))

      • работа[raBOta](work (on))

      The noun after над indicates the direction or focus of the corresponding action on some object. It takes an instrumental case. For example:

      Величайшая победа — победа над самим собой.

      viliCHAYshaya paBYEda - paBYEda nad saMEEM saBO

      The greatest victory is victory over yourself.


      The letter о[o] is added to the preposition над[nad] for ease of pronunciation of the personal pronoun я[ya](I/me) in the instrumental case. For instance:

      • Надо мной

        NAda mnoy

        at/over me

      • Я не люблю, когда смеются надо мной.

        Ya ni lyubLYU kagDA smiYUTsya NAda mnoy

        I don't like it when people laugh at me.

    • по

      The preposition по[pa](of, for...) indicates a person or a thing that one is thinking about, misses, or mourns. The object preposition по[pa] does not have a single consistent translation into English, but it always comes before a noun in the dative case.

      Broadly, по[pa] introduces a noun that provides some intellectual "direction" to an action, feeling, or thought. For example, this can be the source of a feeling, the intellectual goal of an action, the means by which an action was completed, or something that otherwise guides motion or thought. You'll probably have to learn when exactly to use по[pa] through lots of practice, but here are some examples of how this preposition can be used:

      Он очень скорбит по отцу.

      on Ochin skarBEET pa aTSOO

      He is very sad for (lit. mourns) his father.

      recipient of a feeling

      Мама погладила своего сына по голове.

      MAma paGLAdila svaiVO SYna pa galaVYE

      Mom patted her son’s head (lit. on the head).

      direction or receiving location of the pat

      играть по правилам

      igRAT pa PRAvilam

      to play by the rules

      intellectual guide, “in accordance with”

      работать по расписанию

      raBOtat pa raspiSAniyu

      to work according to a schedule

      intellectual guide, “in accordance with”

      узнать по походке

      oozNAT pa paKHOTki

      to recognize by the way one walks

      the source, reason, or guide of action

      жениться по любви / по расчету

      zhyNEEtsya pa lyubVEE / pa raSHCHYOtoo

      to marry for love / for money

      the source, reason, or guide of action

      говорить по телефону

      gavaREET pa tiliFOnoo

      to speak over/via/on the phone

      by means of, the path through which…

      ехать по навигатору

      YEkhat pa naviGAtaroo

      to drive following the GPS

      intellectual guide, “in accordance with”

      занятия по биологии

      zaNYAtiya pa biaLOgii

      biology classes

      area of expertise, focus

      чемпион по плаванию

      chimpiON pa PLAvaniyu

      champion in swimming

      area of expertise, focus
    • на

      The preposition на[na](on, using) as object preposition has the meaning of a tool used to accomplish an action. It takes the prepositional case after and does not have a direct translation into English. For example:

      Джими Хендрикс играл на гитаре левой рукой.

      DZEEmi HYENDriks igRAL na giTArye LYEvay rooKOY

      Jimi Hendrix played the guitar with his left hand.

    • в

      In Russian, to define the state the object acquires we use the preposition в[v](into), it takes the accusative case after. For example:

      Спор между друзьями перерос в драку.

      Spor MYEZHdoo droozYAmi pyereROS v DRAkoo

      A dispute between friends escalated (lit. grew ) into a fight.

    • из

      The prepositionиз[is](of/from) is used as object preposition that describes the material, source, total number, or makeup of things. It is more used after nouns and participles than after verbs.

      • Material

        Бутылки, сделанные из пластика, вредят окружающей среде.

        booTYLki ZDYElanniye is PLAStika vriDYAT akrooZHAyushchyei sriDYE

        Bottles made of plastic are harmful to the environment.

      • Source

        О теракте в городе они узнали из новостей.

        A tiRAKtye v GOradye aNEE oozNAli iz navaSTYEY

        They learned about the terrorist attack in the city from the news.

      • Number

        Делегация из 25 человек прибыла на конференцию.

        diliGAtsiya is 25 (dvatsaTEE pyaTEE) chilaVYEK pribyLA na kanfiRYENtsiyu

        A delegation of 25 people arrived at the conference.

      • Makeup

        Он подарил невесте букет из роз.

        on padaREEL niVYEStye booKYET iz ros

        He gave the bride a bouquet of roses.


    In this post we talked about how you can use object prepositions to introduce a noun that is essential to the meaning of a verb or noun in Russian. Here are some of the important takeaways:

    • Nouns introduced by object prepositions generally describe:

      • what something is “about” (its topic)

      • what something is “made of” or “turns into”

      • the cause of a feeling or emotion

      • another object (like a tool) that was required for the action

    • The most important object prepositions in Russian are:

      • о[a](about) – with variants: об[ab] or обо[Aba]

      • насчёт[naSHCHYOT](about)

      • про[pra](about)

      • над[nad](on, at, against...)

      • на[na](on)

      • в[v](into, at, in)

      • из[is](of)

      • по[pa]

    Now you’re ready to try some exercises to practice Russian object prepositions! Or, check out this downloadable Russian object preposition reference sheet!

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