RussianAdjectives, Pronouns, Grammar Tips The Russian word весь[vyes] roughly means "all." However, it can be translated with a variety of similar words, like "the entire," "the whole," "everything," or "everyone," depending on how it is used in a sentence. Like the word "all" in English, весь can either be used as an adjectiveNo definition set for adjectiveLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. (e.g. "all week") or as a pronounNo definition set for pronounLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. (e.g. "All was quiet"). For example:
Весь день мы гуляли по городу. vyes dyen my gooLYAli pa GOradoo We walked around the city all day. | Всё будет хорошо! fsyo BOOdit kharaSHO |
Все люди хотят быть счастливыми. fsye LYUdi khaTYAT byt shchaSLEEvymi All people want to be happy. | Мы поговорили со всеми. my pagavaREEli sa FSYEmi |
Are you ready to learn about all the different ways to use весь in Russian? Let's start by looking at how to use it as an adjective, then we'll look at how to use it as a pronoun. Follow me!
How to use весь as an adjective?
When the word весь[vyes](all) is used before a noun, it is functioning as an adjective: it specifies that you're talking about the entirety of the noun it precedes. In this use, you'll often see the word весь[vyes] with another synonym like - "the whole," or "a complete," or "the entire."
все свое умение
fsyo svaYO ooMYEniye
It usually describes the noun that follows it, and has grammatical features similar to adjectives. It has gender, number and case features, in which they agree with the noun to which they refer. Let’s look at the chart.
Nominative | | | | |
Accusative (inanimate) | | | | |
Accusative (animate) | | |
Genitive | | | |
Dative | | |
Instrumental | | |
Prepositional | | |
Now let’s go through some examples below and try to observe how the word весь[vyes] agrees with the noun that follows it:
Весь день мы искали номера телефонов всех друзей.
vyes dyen my isKAli namiRA tiliFOnaf fsyekh drooZYEY
We spent the whole day looking for the phone numbers of all our friends.
Вся жизнь была полна всеми земными радостями.
fsya zhyzn byLA palNA FSYEmi zimNYmi RAdastyami
My entire life was full of all earthly joys.
Все студенты не знают всю грамматику.
fsye stooDYENty ni ZNAyut fsyu graMAtikoo
All students don’t know all the grammar.
За всё это время они поговорили обо всех новостях.
za fsyo Eta VRYEmya aNEE pagavaREEli aba VSYEKH navaSTYAKH
During all this time they talked about all the news.
The word весь[vyes] can be translated into English in different ways:
All/every/each when the noun that follows is plural, For example:
all countries / each country / every country
(the) whole or (the) entire when the noun that follows is singular, For example:
(the/a) whole country / (the/an) entire country
How to use весь as a pronoun?
In certain contexts, the pronoun весь[vyes] can be translated as “everything” or “everyone” and functions in the sentence as subject or object replacing a noun. In the meaning of "everything" весь[vyes] declines like a neuter noun: всё[fsoy], and when you want to say "everyone" you'll decline it like a plural one: все[fsye]. Let’s look at the chart.
Accusative | | |
Genitive | | |
Dative | | |
Instrumental | | |
Prepositional | | |
In Russian, you can describe the pronoun весь[vyes] with a descriptive phrase, just like we say "everything in the world" or "everyone taller than me" in English. Now let’s look at some examples:
| Всё хорошо, не волнуйтесь! fsyo kharaSHO, ni valNOOYtis Everything is fine, do not worry! Все должны знать правду о том, что случилось. fsye dalZHNY znat PRAVdoo a tom, shto slooCHEElas Everyone needs to know the truth about what happened.
| Спасибо за всё! spaSEEba za fsyo Все должны знать правду о том, что случилось. Eta praBLYEma bispaKOit fsyekh v NAshem GOradye This problem worries everyone in our city.
| У всех сегодня есть интернет. oo fsyekh siVODnya yest interNYET Everyone has the Internet today. Как жить без всего? kak zhyt bis fsiVO How to live without anything? lit. How to live without everything?
| Ну, рассказывайте обо всём и обо всех по порядку. noo, rasKAzyvaytye aba FSYOM ee aba FSYEKH pa paRYATkoo Well, tell me about everything and everyone in order/one thing at a time. |
| Я так скучаю по всем. ya tak skooCHAyu pa fsyem Очень трудно привыкать ко всему новому. Ochin TROODna privyKAT ka fsiMOO Novamoo It's very difficult to get used to everything new.
| Мы довольны всем. my daVOLny fsyem We are happy with everything. Мы сотрудничаем со всеми. my saTROODnichaim sa FSYEmi We cooperate with everyone.
The prepositions в[v], к[k], с[s], etc. will acquire a final letter о[o] before the words весь[vyes](all/whole/entire), все[fsye](everyone), and всё[fsyo](everything) to ease pronunciation. Additionally, the preposition о[o] will turn into обо[aba].
Во всём мире
va fsyom MEErye
lit. in the whole world
Плюс ко всему
plyus ka fsiMOO
in addition
lit. plus to everything
Поговорить со всеми и обо всём
pagavaREET sa FSYEmi i aba FSYOM
to talk to everyone and about everything
Unlike in English, the Russian pronoun все[fsye](everyone) is plural and requires plural agreement with the verb. For example:
Все знают о проблеме.
fsye ZNAyut a praBLYEmye
Everyone knows about the problem.
lit. Everyone know...
Все читали об этом.
fsye chiTAli ab Etam
Все будут помнить.
fsye BOOdoot POMnit
Luckily the pronounвсё[fsyo](everything) functioning as a pronoun is singular, though, so when you use it in this sense, the number is what you would expect from English.
Всё было спокойно.
Fsyo BYla spaKOYna
Quite often two dots over the letter ё[yo] are not included in any typed document unless it’s a Russian language textbook. So the pronouns “everything” and “everyone” will look the same - все[fse/fsyo]. Context usually helps to understand which one is which.
The pronoun весь[vyes](all/whole/entire) is used to describe or modify nouns and is often used to indicate the entirety of something.
The pronoun changes based on the gender number and role of the noun it goes together with.
The pronoun весь[vyes] has forms всё[fsyo](everything) and все[fsye](everyone) functioning as subject or object in the sentence. These pronouns also change their forms (cases) based on their role in the sentence.
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