The prepositions благодаря, согласно, вопреки, and наперекор can also be participles or adverbs, but we will be looking at them as prepositions.

Dative prepositions in Russian: What are they and how to use them?
In Russian, several prepositionsNo definition set for prepositionsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. are almost always used before a nounNo definition set for nounLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. in the dative caseNo definition set for dative caseLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.. The two most common dative prepositions in Russian are к/ко[k/ka](to, toward) and по[pa](about, according to, around), but there are others as well.
Диана готовилась к поступлению всё лето.
diAna gaTOvilas k pastoopLYEniyu fsyo LYEta.
Diana was preparing for entrance exams all summer.
Экскурсия по городу продолжалась 2 часа.
iksKOORsiya pa GOradoo pradalZHAlas dva chiSA.
The tour around the city took 2 hours.
In this post, we will introduce you to the dative prepositions in Russian, discuss their various meanings and uses, and give you some tips that will help you use them like a native! Let’s go!
Table of Contents
What is the dative case?
In Russian, the dative case is mostly used to mark nouns that receive something or benefit from an action. These nouns are also known as indirect objects.
Президент вручил выдающимся учёным ордена почёта.
priziDYENT vrooCHEEL vydaYUshchimsya ooCHOnym ardiNApaCHOta.
The president gave Orders of Merit to the outstanding scientists.
However, the dative case also has other uses. In this post, we’ll discuss how the dative is used after certain prepositions. But if you want a quick review of the dative case, check out our introduction to the dative case in Russian, or download the charts at the bottom of this page.
What are the dative prepositions?
The most important Russian dative prepositions are listed below. All of these prepositions are followed by nouns in the dative case.
Dative Prepositions | Translation |
по[pa] | according to, along, about, around |
к/ко[k/ka] | to, toward |
согласно[sagLASna] | in agreement with |
вопреки[vapriKEE] | against, despite |
благодаря[blagadaRYA] | thanks to |
наперекор[napiriKOR] | in defiance of, contrary to |
Two of these prepositions, по and к/ко, are far more common than the rest. So if you’re starting out, these are the most important prepositions to start with. As you’ll see below, these two prepositions have a lot of meanings and have some special grammar rules to learn as well!
По [pa]
The most common preposition that you will see used with the dative case is по[pa] which can have a variety of translations, including “according to,” “along,” “about,” or “around.” This preposition can be challenging to memorize and use because it can be used in so many ways and can’t be translated directly from Russian to English. There is no single word in English that fulfills all of the uses of this tricky preposition!
The preposition по comes with a special grammar rule! When it comes before a third personNo definition set for third personLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. pronoun, we use the forms below, instead of their normal dative forms:
After по | Normal pronoun | Translation |
нему[niMOO] | ему[yiMOO] | to him, it |
ней[nyey] | ей[yey] | to her |
ним[neem] | им[eem] | to them |
For example:
Мы очень по ним скучаем.
my Ochen pa neem skooCHAim.
We miss them very much.
But with all other pronouns and nouns, this preposition precedes the regular dative form.
Let’s look at the different ways to use the preposition по with the dative case!
Describing motion on top of a surface
Пo[pa] is commonly used before a noun for a surface that someone or something moves on top of. This preposition is not very specific about whether the motion is in one direction or in many directions.
Some common English translations for this use of пo[pa] include: “on,” “along,” “by,” “down,” “around,” “over” and “all over,” and “across” and “all across.”
prepositiondative caseВера побежала по коридору навстречу отцу.
VYEra pabiZHAla pa kariDOroo naFSTRYEchoo aTSOO.
Vera ran along the hall towards her father.
Из Европы в США можно добраться только по морю или по воздуху.
iz yivROpy f sesheA MOZHna daBRAtsa TOLka pa MOryu EEli pa VOZdookhoo.
One can travel from Europe to the USA only by sea or by air.
Группа сейчас в туре по стране.
GROOpa siyCHAS f TOOrye pa straNYE.
The band is now on a tour around the country.
Before a noun giving the usual time or repeated location of some action
Пo[pa] is also used to indicate the time where something usually happens or a place where something happens or has happened repeatedly. This preposition is commonly used when describing the “where” and “when” of habitual activities.
Some common English translations for this use of пo[pa] include: “on,” “at,” “in,” “all across,” or “to.”
prepositiondative caseПо утрам Александр обычно принимал контрастный душ.
pa ootRAM alikSANDR aBYCHna priniMAL kanTRASnyi doosh.
In the mornings Alexander usually took a contrast shower.
По субботам у нас проводятся конкурсы караоке.
pa sooBOtam oo nas praVOditsa KONkoorsy karaOkye.
On Saturdays we have karaoke contests.
Увольнения происходят по университетам нашей страны.
oovalNYEniya praisKHOdyat pa oonivyersiTYEtam NAshey straNY.
Firing is happening across universities in our country.
Before a noun that was distributed, one to each person
If a group of nouns are distributed so that each person gets exactly one, use по[pa] before the word for the distributed item. In English, you might follow these nouns with the word “apiece.”
prepositiondative caseБабушка подарила каждому внуку по игрушке.
BAbooshka padaREEla KAZHdamoo VNOOkoo pa igROOSHkye.
Grandma gave each of her grandchildren a toy (apiece).
Каждый из нас заказал по пицце в ресторане.
KAzhdyi iz nas zakaZAL pa PEEtse f ristaRAne.
Each of us ordered a pizza (apiece) in the restaurant.
If each person receives more than one object, you can still use the preposition пo[pa], but you won’t follow it with the dative. Instead, follow this pattern:
Каждый сотрудник получил по три тысячи рублей.
KAzhdyi saTROODNik palooCHEEL pa tree TYsichi roobLYEY.
Each staff member got three thousand rubles (apiece).
Before a noun for something that gets hit or struck
You can also use по[pa] before nouns describing things that get hit. In translation, you will often see locational preposition like “on,” “at,” “against,” or “in,” but the object of по will sometimes just be translated as the direct object of the verb.
prepositiondative caseОтец похлопал сына по плечу.
aTYETS paKHLOpal SYna pa pliCHOO.
Dad patted his son on the shoulder.
Биатлонисты прекрасно стреляют по мишеням.
biatlaNEESty priKRASna striLYAyut pa miSHEnyam.
Biathletes shoot at targets very well.
Коля случайно меня ударил по лицу.
KOlya slooCHAYna miNYA ooDAril pa liTSOO.
Kolya accidentally hit me in the face.
Before a noun describing an area or expertise or specialization
The preposition по[pa] can be used to introduce a trade, specialization, or area of focus. In this use, по is most often translated using “in,” “on,” or “of.” For example:
prepositiondative caseМой брат - чемпион республики по шахматам.
moy brat chimpiON risPOOBliki pa SHAKHmatam.
My brother is the republic chess champion.
Анна завтра постарается сдать экзамен по архитектуре.
Ana ZAftra pastaRAitsa zdat igZAmyen pa arkhitikTOOrye.
Anna will try to pass an architecture exam tomorrow.
To introduce the plan or scheme for something else
Use по[pa] before a noun for a plan, model, schedule, or idea that someone is following. Some possible translations for this use include “in accordance with,” “on,” “with,” “based on,” “according to,” or “along with.”
prepositiondative caseРоссийские железные дороги всегда работают по расписанию.
raSEEYskiye zheLYEZnyye daROgi fsigDA raBOtayut pa raspiSAniyu.
The Russian Railroad always operates in accordance with a schedule.
Фильм снят по книге Толстого.
feelm snyat pa KNEEgye talSTOva.
The film is based on Tolstoy’s book.
Before the reason for or cause of something else
In formal Russian (mostly written documents), по[pa] can come before the reason or cause of an event. This is roughly equivalent to “due to” in English, but might also be translated as “because of,” “through,” or “by.”
prepositiondative caseПо случаю траура все праздничные мероприятия были отменены.
pa SLOOchiyu TRAoora fsye PRAznichnyie mirapriYAtiya BYli atminiNY.
Due to mourning, all festivities have been canceled.
По ошибке я опоздал на самолет.
pa aSHYPkye ya apazDAL na samaLYOT.
I missed my plane by mistake.
К/Ко [k/ka]
The prepositions ко[ka] and к[k] are also very common prepositions followed by the dative case.
These prepositions are two versions of the same word, meaning “toward,” “up to,” or “to.” Ко typically comes before words starting with consonant clusters (two or more consonants back-to-back), whereas к is used for all other words.
Подойди ко мне, пожалуйста!
padayDEE ka mnye paZHAlasta!
Come to me, please!
Уже ко второй серии стало ясно, что сериал будет захватывающий.
ooZHE ka ftaROY SYErii STAla YASna shto siriAL BOOdit zaKHVAtyvayushchiy.
Already by the second episode it had become clear that the show was going to be thrilling.
К вечеру стало холодно.
k VYEchiroo STAla KHOladna.
It got cold by the evening.
When the prepositions ко and к are used before third person pronouns, we use the same special forms that we use after по[pa].
After по | Normal pronoun | Translation |
нему[niMOO] | ему[yiMOO] | to him, it |
ней[nyey] | ей[yey] | to her |
ним[neem] | им[eem] | to them |
For example:
К сожалению, эта идея пришла к нему в голову слишком поздно.
k sazhyLYEniyu Eta iDYEya priSHLA k niMOO v GOlavoo SLEESHkam POzna.
Unfortunately, this idea came to his head too late.
But in all other cases, ко and к come before regular dative nouns.
Let’s look at some of the most common ways to use ко and к with the dative case!
Before a destination or a goal of movement
The preposition к(о) can be used to introduce the destination or goal of movement. К(о) can mean either “to” or “towards” — there is no distinction in Russian.
prepositiondative caseАвтомобиль поехал к стадиону.
aftamabEEL paYEkhal k stadiOnoo.
The car drove to the stadium. / The car started moving towards the stadium.
When used before animate nouns, it can mean you’re going to visit that person.
prepositiondative caseВ воскресенье мы пойдем в гости к Марии.
v vaskreSYENye my paiDYOM f GOsti k maREEi.
On Sunday we will go to Maria’s place.
To give the time when something ends
The preposition к(о) is also used to refer to the period by which something is done or completed. In this use, it’s usually translated as “to,” “until,” or “by.”
prepositiondative caseК августу они собрали уже три тонны яблок.
k AVgoostoo aNEE saBRAli ooZHE tree TOny YABlak.
By August, they had already harvested three tons of apples.
К вечеру пойдет снег.
k VYEchiroo payDYOT snyek.
By the evening, it will snow.
Before a noun someone or something is touching
The preposition к(о) can also be used to introduce a noun that another noun comes into contact with, most often when neither thing is “on top” of the other. Some common English translations include “against,” “alongside,” “up to,” “up against,” or “on.”
prepositiondative caseМне пришлось прислониться к стене, чтобы не упасть.
mnye prishLOS prislaNEEtsa k stiNYE SHTOby nye ooPAST.
I had to lean against the wall in order not to fall.
For example, this is used with the verbs:
прикоснуться[prikasNOOtsa](to touch)
прислониться[prislaNEEtsa](to lean against)
припасть[priPAST](to drop (on); to get closer to)
приложить[prilaZHYT](to attach)
To name the group a noun is part of
Finally, you can use к(о) before a noun describing the category or group to which some other noun belongs.
prepositiondative caseОн принадлежит к нашей политической партии.
on prinadliZHYT k NAshey paliTEEcheskay PARtii.
He belongs to our political party.
And just like that, we’ve covered the two most common dative prepositions in Russian! Now, let’s look at a few that are a little more advanced.
Согласно [sagLASna]
Like по, согласно[sagLASna] can be used to mean “according to” or “in accordance with,” and is followed by the corresponding noun in the dative form. But unlike по, which is used all the time in spoken Russian, согласно is only used in formal texts and in the media.
Согласно инструкции, мы обязаны эвакуировать всех сотрудников.
saGLASna instROOKtsii my aBYAzany ivakooEEravat fsyekh saTROODnikaf.
In accordance with the instructions, we must evacuate all staff members.
Согласно легенде, молодой воин был невероятно силён.
saGLASna liGYENdye malaDOY VOin byl niviraYATna siLYON.
According to the legend, the young warrior was incredibly strong.
The preposition согласно is usually not used before the name of a person (i.e. “according to Jim…”). For this meaning, we use the structure:
по словам
pa slaVAM
by the words of
genitive case
По словам Джима, в школу сегодня идти не надо.
pa slaVAM DZHYma f SHKOloo siVOdnya iTEE ni NAda.
According to Jim, school is canceled today.
lit. By the words of Jim...
Notice that, in this construction, согласно is dative plural, because it follows по!
Вопреки [vapriKEE]
The preposition вопреки[vapriKEE] means “despite” or “in spite of.” The noun that follows it is something that might have been a limitation or challenge to some circumstance, but did not prevent that circumstance from coming about.
Вопреки мнению коллег ей удалось написать статью.
vapriKEE MNYEniyu kaLYEK yey oodaLOS napiSAT statYU.
Despite her colleagues’ opinion, she managed to write the article.
Вопреки трудностям Станислава закончила университет.
vapriKEE TROODnastyam staniSLAva zaKONchila oonivyersiTYET.
Despite challenges, Stanislava finished university.
Благодаря [blagadaRYA]
The preposition благодаря[blagadaRYA] is used just like the phrase “thanks to” in English. We use благодаря before a noun that describes a person, circumstance, or event that contributes towards a usually positive outcome.
Благодаря помощи друзей мы быстро нашли съёмную квартиру.
blagadaRYA POmashchi drooZYEY my BYSTra nashLEE SYOMnooyu kvarTEEroo.
Thanks to our friends’ help, we quickly found an apartment to rent.
Павел многого добился благодаря своему трудолюбию и умению общаться.
PAvyel MNOgava dabEELsya blagadaRYA svaiMOO troodaLYUbiyu i ooMYEniyu apSHCHAtsa.
Pavel achieved a lot thanks to his hard work and communication skills.
Наперекор [napiriKOR]
The final word that triggers the dative case that we will look at is the preposition наперекор[napiriKOR], which has a meaning very similar to вопреки(despite), which we looked at above, but is stronger and shows more force. It can best be translated as “in defiance of.”
Наперекор советам родителей, Маша уехала в Германию.
napiriKOR saVYEtam raDEEtiley, MAsha ooYEkhala v girMAniyu.
In defiance of her parents’ advice, Masha left for Germany.
In conclusion
In this post, we discussed how the dative case is used with the Russian prepositions по, к/ко, согласно, вопреки, благодаря, and наперекор. Here are some of the biggest takeaways:
The two most common dative prepositions are по and к(о).
По has a lot of meanings and those meanings cannot be captured well by any one English translation, but “on” can capture several of its uses.
К(о) also has a lot of meanings, but most can be captured by the English words “to” or “towards.”
Both к(о) and по come before special forms of the third person pronouns: нему, ней, and ним, rather than the usual dative forms, but elsewhere these precede regular dative nouns.
Other dative prepositions like согласно, вопреки, благодаря, and наперекор are less common, more formal, and more likely to be found in writing.
Ok, now that you’ve made your way through this post, try practicing the dative case with prepositions by downloading the activities below!