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Practice exercises for Russian imperfective aspect vs. perfective aspect

By: Anna Classing
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Russian Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our articles:

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Activity 1: Aspect pairs

Several aspect pairs are listed below. Choose which verb in the pair to use in each sentence, and put it into the correct form.

  • Imperfective: пить[peet]
    Perfective: выпить[VYpit]
    Translation: to drink

    • Я хочу кофе.

      I want to drink coffee.

      Perfective, because there is a specific object of the action, so action can be completed.

    • Я хочу .

      I want to drink.

      Imperfective, because the verb describes action in general.

  • Imperfective: спрашивать[SPRAshyvat]
    Perfective: спросить[spraSEET]
    Translation: to ask

    • Когда Андрей был маленьким, он часто родителей, почему у него нет брата или сестры.

      When Andrew was small, he often asked (his) parents why he didn’t have any brothers or sisters.

      Imperfective, because it’s a repeated action.

    • Однажды маленький Андрей родителей, почему у него нет брата или сестры.

      Once little Andrew asked (his) parents why he didn’t have any brothers or sisters.

      Perfective, because it is an individual/single completed action.

  • Imperfective: приходить[prikhaDEET]
    Perfective: прийти[priyTEE]
    Translation: to come

    • Пока тебя не было, Света. Она сейчас с мамой на кухне чай пьёт.

      While you were gone, Sveta came. She is now drinking tea with mom in the kitchen.

      Perfective, because it is an individual/single completed action.

    • Пока тебя не было, Света. Она оставила тебе записку.

      While you were gone, Sveta came. She left a note for you.

      Imperfective, because the action was followed by its opposite (she came and left).

  • Imperfective: учить[ooCHEET]
    Perfective: выучить[VYoochit]
    Translation: to learn

    • Я не немецкий язык, он мне не понадобится.

      I won’t study German, I will not need it.

      Imperfective, because the action is described as general, without the idea of its completion.

    • Я не немецкий язык за три месяца, это нереально.

      I won’t learn German in three months, it’s unreal.

      Perfective, because the focus is on the impossibility of completing the action.

  • Imperfective: показывать[paKAzyvat]
    Perfective: показать[pakaZAT]
    Translation: to show

    • Вчера с 2 до 5 я покупателям квартиру.

      Yesterday from 2 to 5 I was showing the apartment to buyers.

      Imperfective, because the action was lasting a specific amount of time.

    • Вчера я квартиру четырём покупателям.

      Yesterday I showed the apartment to four buyers.

      Perfective, because the focus is on the result of the completed action.

  • Imperfective: готовить[gaTOvit]
    Perfective: приготовить[prigaTOvit]
    Translation: to cook

    • Саша ужин и потом посмотрела фильм.

      Sasha cooked dinner and then watched a movie.

      Perfective, because the actions are given in a sequence.

    • Саша ужин и смотрела фильм.

      Sasha was cooking dinner and watching a movie.

      Imperfective, because the actions are simultaneous.

  • Imperfective: есть[yest]
    Perfective: съесть[syest]
    Translation: to eat

    • О, я знаю, что такое щи! Я этот суп когда жила в России!

      Oh, I know what shchi is! I ate this soup when I was living in Russia!

      Imperfective, because the action describes the current situation.

    • Я не голодная, спасибо! Я только что тарелку щей.

      I am not hungry, thank you! I have just eaten a bowl of shchi.

      Perfective, because the action had a specific object and was completed.

  • Imperfective: встречать[fstriCHAT]
    Perfective: встретить[FSTRYEtit]
    Translation: to meet

    • Мне надо сестру в аэропорту, она прилетает завтра вечером.

      I need to meet (my) sister at the airport, she is coming tomorrow evening.

      Perfective, because the action is single.

    • Мне не надо сестру в аэропорту, она заболела и не сможет приехать.

      I don’t need to meet (my) sister at the airport, she fell sick and cannot come.

      Imperfective, because the infinitive comes after a negated modal verb.

Activity 2: Pick the right verb

Choose the best verb (imperfective/perfective) to describe the situation in the photos.

  • - Что [!случалось/!случилось]?
    - Я [!вытирала/!вытерла] пыль и [!задевала/!задела] вазу. Она [!падала/!упала] и [!разбивалась/!разбилась].

    - What happened?
    - I was dusting (literally: wiping dust) and hit the vase. It fell and got broken.

    A photo of a broken glass on the floor.
  • - Добрый день! Я могу вам чем-нибудь [!помогать/!помочь]?
    - Да, я [!ищу/!найду] блузку для офиса. Я недавно [!меняла/!поменяла] работу, и в новой компании люди [!одеваются/!оденутся] очень элегантно.

    - Good afternoon! Can I help you in any way?
    - Yes, I am looking for an office blouse. I have recently changed jobs, and in the new company people dress really smartly.

    A photo of a woman looking through a bunch of bright-colored dresses on hangers.
  • Если вы [!смотрите/!посмотрите] на графики за прошлый месяц, вы [!видите/!увидите], что продажи этой модели резко [!взлетали/!взлетели] после новогодних праздников.

    If you look at the diagrams for the past month, you will see that sales of this design soared after the New Year holidays.

    A group of four men in business attire sitting around a table and discussing some papers.
  • - Твоя дочь [!будет поступать/!поступит] в Академию Художеств?
    - Да, она всегда [!любила/!полюбила] [!рисовать/!нарисовать] и [!решала/!решила] [!становиться/!стать] профессиональным художником.

    - Is your daughter applying to the Academy of Fine Art?
    - Yes, she has always loved drawing and decided to become a professional artist.

    A photo of a woman painting a portrait.

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