a female hiker in a wide-brimmed hat in Russia

Practice exercises for the Russian alphabet

By: Anna Classing
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Russian Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Need help typing in Russian?

If you don't have your keyboard set up to type in Russian, we recommend this free online keyboard. However, if you're studying Russian long-term, it's a good idea to set up a keyboard on your phone, computer, or tablet

Activity 1: Brand names in Russian

Match the images of the famous brands with how they are written in Russian.

A can of Coca-Cola.

A photo of a gray Mercedes car.

A photo of Cinderella's Castle at Disneyland.

A photo of a Samsung cell phone.

A photo of a McDonald's at night.

A photo of an Ikea.

A photo of Chupa-Chups candies.

A photo of Snickers bars.

Activity 2: Multiple choice

Choose the correct pronunciation for each word.

  • Машина(car)

  • Янтарь(amber)

  • Подсолнух(sunflower)

  • Достопримечательность(landmark / tourist attraction)

  • Сельскохозяйственный(agricultural)

  • Удовлетворительный(satisfactory)

  • Безвозмездно(free of charge)

  • Одиннадцатиклассник(11th grader / high-school senior student)

  • Защищаться(to defend oneself)

  • Необъятный(huge / endless)

  • Навязчивый(obtrusive)

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