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Practice exercises for the Russian imperative mood
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Activity 1: Complete the texts
Complete the short texts below by using the “you” imperatives of the verbs in the box.
Part 1: A teacher talks to some students
приготовить prigaTOvit to get (something) ready | посмотреть pasmaTRYET to look | обратить abraTEET to focus, to direct | начинать nachiNAT to begin | садиться saDEEtsa to sit down |
Здравствуйте! , пожалуйста! карандаши и бумагу. Сегодня мы будем учиться рисовать натюрморт. на эту вазу с фруктами. внимание на свет и тень. !
Translation: Hello! _______________, please! _________________ pencils and paper. Today we are going to learn how to draw still life. ______________ at this bowl of fruit. _____________ (your) attention to light and shade. ______________!
Part 2: A doctor talks to a patient
стараться staRAtsa to try | принимать priniMAT to take (meds) | пить peet to drink |
Вот рецепт, по две таблетки три раза в день, больше воды и избегать стресса и тяжелых физических нагрузок.
Translation: Here is the prescription, ________ two pills three times a day, _____________more water, and _____________to avoid stress and strenuous physical activity.
Part 3: A friend to a friend
проходить prakhaDEET to come in | нарезать naRYEzat to cut | помыть paMYT to wash | помочь paMOCH to help |
Привет! ! Сейчас будем пить чай. мне, пожалуйста, фрукты и торт.
Translation: Hi! _________________! We are going to have some tea now. _____________ me, please, ____________the fruit and ___________the cake.
Part 4: A mother talks to her child
выходить vykhaDEET to go out | надевать nadiVAT to put on | ждать zhdat to wait | брать brat to take |
кепку и сандалии, велосипед, на улицу и меня там!
Translation: _____________ your hat and sandals, ___________ your bicycle, ____________ to the street and ____________ for me there!
Activity 2: “We” imperatives
Look at the pictures. What do you think one of the characters in each picture might suggest doing? Use “we” imperative and your own ideas to make your sentences.

Дедушка, давай играть в прятки!
DYEdooshka daVAY iGRAT f PRYATki
Grandpa, let’s play hide-and-seek!
Activity 3: Get someone else to do it!
Reply to the commands below by saying that someone else (given in brackets) should do it instead. Use the “he/she/it/they” imperative.
Отвези нас в аэропорт в субботу, пожалуйста. (Тамара)
Could you please take us to the airport on Saturday? (Tamara)
Пусть Тамара отвезёт!
Have Tamara take you!
Now give it a try yourself!
Погуляй с собакой, пожалуйста! (папа)
Walk the dog, please! (dad)
Выбирайте цвет стен! (дети)
Choose the color for the walls. (children)
Платите налоги! (богатые)
Pay your taxes! (the rich)
Не обзывайся! (он сам)
Don’t call (him) names! (he himself)
Помоги детям cделать домашнее задание! (сами)
Help the kids do their homework! (themselves)