Activities: “What do ‘simple,’ ‘continuous,’ and ‘perfect’ mean in English verb tenses?”
Activity 1: Identify the aspect
Can you identify the aspect used in each of these sentences?
I eat every day.
She is studying now.
They have learned that word.
John played chess yesterday.
I have read that book.
She will be traveling next week
It rains a lot in April.
Activity 2: Jill and Jimmy are having a chat
Read this conversation. Then identify the aspect used in each sentence.

Jimmy: Mommy! Mommy! I’ve seen little green men in the backyard!
Jill: What? What are you saying Jimmy?
Jimmy: I was playing in the backyard…
Jimmy: …and I saw a lot of little green men!
Jill: Jimmy, little green men don’t exist.
Jill: You haven’t seen any out there.
Jimmy: But I did! I did see little green men!
Jimmy: Five of them were walking in the grass!
Jill: Well, I haven’t seen any green men, little or big, in the backyard all day.
Jimmy: You don’t believe me! I’ll show you! Come into the yard with me.
Jill: Okay, okay Jimmy. We will go look.
Jimmy: Do you see them? Right there!
Jimmy: Five little green men are walking in the grass!
Jill: Well, what do you know?
Jill: There ARE little green men in the backyard!