A black and white photo of the Brooklyn bridge, a stone bridge

Study Resource: English mass nouns that can be used as count nouns

By: Isabel McKay

These are some examples of mass nouns that can be used as count nouns when we are talking about a particular type of that mass noun. Remember that concrete mass nouns can always be made into count nouns

Mass noun
Count noun



the general idea of scientific study

I love science.

a type of scientific study

Chemistry is a science.


the general idea of art

Artists make art for a living.

a type of artistic work

Telling jokes is an art.


the general idea of laws

I studied law in school.

a specific instance of law, a rule

It is important to follow all traffic laws.


the general idea of artistic writing

He reads a lot of literature from Spain.

a specific tradition of literature

The literatures of Spain, China, and Nigeria are very different.


a general way of using words

Shakespeare used beautiful language.

a specific way of speaking

He speaks six languages.


the general idea of an uprising

The only way to make change is through revolution.

a specific uprising

There were many revolutions in the 19th century.


the general idea of formal learning

Education is important for everyone.

a particular experience of formal learning

I got an education for free.



the general substance of wine

I didn’t have any wine in the cellar.

a specific type* of wine

I brought two wines to the party.


the general substance of cheese

Mice like to eat cheese.

a specific type* of cheese

The store sells many different cheeses.


the general substance of bread

I made a sandwich with two pieces of bread.

a specific variety* of bread

There were seven different breads on the bakery menu.


the general substance of wood

I made the table out of wood.

a specific type* of wood

One wood that I love is mahogany.


the general substance of concrete

The wall was made of concrete.

a specific type* of concrete

Our construction company uses different concretes for different kinds of buildings


the general substance of sauce

She put sauce on her pasta.

a specific type* of sauce

The chef served a new sauce on Friday.


the general substance of sunscreen

Always put on sunscreen at the beach!

a specific brand* of sunscreen

We had to choose between twelve different sunscreens.


the general substance of glue

He poured glue on the floor.

a specific type* of glue

We use different glues to bind metal and paper.

*We use these as count nouns only if we do not mention the specific type before the noun. So even though mozzarella cheeseis a specific type of cheese, mozzarella cheeseis still a mass noun (e.g. She put mozzarella cheese on her pizza). When you use mozzarella cheese as a count noun (e.g. I chose two mozzarella cheeses), we assume you are discussing specific types of mozzarella cheese!

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