Activities: “What are collective nouns in English?”
Activity 1: Matching
How well do you know the collective nouns for different groups of animals? Can you match the collective nouns with their animals?
A colony of
A pride of
A herd of
A school of
A swarm of
A litter of
A flock of
A pod of
A pack of
A gaggle of
Activity 2: Grammar of collective nouns
Fill in the blank with the correct word. Sometimes more than one answer is possible, but try to use the one that will be more natural.
My class [...] sitting in the balcony.
Several families [...] coming to the picnic.
This deck of cards [...] blue.
The litter of puppies [...] learning to howl.
Both teams wore [...] colorful uniforms.
The class submitted [...] homework assignments.
The deck of cards was missing [...] queen of hearts.
I picked up a deck of cards and put [...] on the table.
It was time for the pack of wolves to eat, so the zookeeper fed [...].