Detail of the hot air ballon restaurant at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada

Activities: “How to use the words ‘any’ and ‘some’ in English?”

By: revel arroway
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our English Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Correct or incorrect?

Correct the sentences below. If the sentence is already correct, write “correct”

  • Lucia saw some ducks.

    Correct version?

  • Paul did not see any the ducks.

    Correct version?

  • Are there some blue pencils in the cup?

    Correct version?

  • I didn’t have a pencil, but Nelson had any.

    Correct version?

  • Paul had blue some pencils.

    Correct version?

  • Lucia didn’t have any these pencils.

    Correct version?

  • I didn’t pour any from the milk in the cup.

    Correct version?

  • Some people like food without any spices.

    Correct version?

Activity 2: ‘Any’ or ‘some’?

Check the boxes to decide whether to use some or any in the sentences below. You can check more than one box!

  • There are _____________ students in the room now.

  • Are there _____________ students in the classroom now?

  • I had _____________ trouble with my homework last night.

  • I didn’t have _____________ trouble with my homework last night.

  • ___________ students didn’t have trouble with their homework last night.

  • There were _____________ beautiful pictures on the wall.

  • The students didn’t have _____________ difficulty with the lesson.

  • Why do ______ cows have spots?

  • The children are eating _____________ ice cream after dinner tonight.

  • Martha doesn’t want _____________ dessert after dinner tonight.

  • Mr Duncan didn’t give us _____________ specific instructions.

  • Why didn’t _________ kids come to your birthday party?

  • Are there _____________ extra chairs in the other classroom?

  • Your secretary has _____________ important messages for you.

  • I don’t have _____________ information about that.

  • Did the teacher make _____________ comments on your paper?

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