Garden of the Gods in Colorado, a national park with vertical rock formations

Activities: “Adverbs: what are they and how to use them in English?”

By: revel arroway
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our English Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Adjective or adverb?

Look at these sentences. Each has a word ending in -ly. Can you tell which words are adverbs and which are not?

Remember the rule:

  • adjective




  • noun




  • Peter hurt his arm badly in the accident.

  • It was very chilly this morning.

  • You made a costly mistake on this report!

  • Mary foolishly told everyone her sister’s secret.

  • I love driving through the hilly countryside near my home.

  • Jimmy started hungrily eating his spaghetti.

  • Football is often considered a manly sport.

  • We normally have a coffee break at ten.

  • The line at the bank moved forward in an orderly fashion.

  • The cat jumped onto the couch suddenly.

Activity 2: Adverbs of time

Kira is keeping a diary about her trip to Chicago to practice her English. Tonight’s diary entry uses several adverbs of time. Can you spot and highlight the five adverbs that are not in the right position?

Use this table of adverbs of time to help!
!Dear !Diary,
!I !am !so !excited !to !visit !tomorrow !the !Museum !of !Science !and !Industry!

!Yesterday!, !we !went !to !the !Art !Institute !of !Chicago !and !saw !the !famous !painting !by !Seurat, !!A !Sunday !On !La !Grande !Jatte.! !It !was !fun, !but !I !have !seen !already !that !museum !many !times !yet!. !I !haven’t !been !to !the !Museum !of !Science !and !Industry !before!, !though, !and !recently !I’ve !been !hearing !a !lot !about !how !amazing !it !is.

!My !friend !Thomas !yesterday !said !he !just !went !there, !and !that !he !really !enjoyed !watching !the !baby !chicks !hatch !from !their !eggs. !Hopefully !I !will !see !that !soon !as !well!

!Anyway, !that’s !all !I !am !tonight !thinking !about!

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