a team of fishers haul in a net at dawn

Study Resource: Common words with preposition + infinitive complements

By: Ana Amélia Rodrigues dos Santos
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

In Brazilian Portuguese, the words in the charts below all take infinitive complements that are marked by prepositions. In these expressions you can use preposition + impersonal infinitive, but you should not use a personal infinitive form.

Brazilian Portuguese

acostumado a/com

accustomed to

agradável a

pleasant to

alheio a/de

oblivious to

aversão a/por

aversion to

capaz de

capable of

contrário a

contrary to

curioso de/por

curious for

essencial para

essential to

junto a/de

together with

livre de

free from

assistir ao

to assist

chegar a

to arrive to

odeceder a

to obey

aspirar a

to aspire to

ir a

to go to

morar em

to live in

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