a jaguar on the prowl in sparse jungle undergrowth

Study Resource: Common impersonal expressions in Brazilian Portuguese

By: Fabiana Dametto Oliveira
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Below you will find some common Portuguese impersonal verbs.

Impersonal verbs to talk about the weather


to dawn

Amanhece mais cedo no horário de verão.

It dawns earlier in summer time.


to rain

Choveu a noite toda.

It rained all night long.


to darken

Escurece tarde no verão.

It gets dark late in the summer.


to drizzle

Garoa todos os dias em Dublin.

It drizzles every day in Dublin.


to snow

Não neva há anos aqui.

It hasn't snowed in years here.


to wander

Trovejou à tarde e as crianças ficaram com medo.

It thundered in the afternoon, and the children were afraid.


to wind

Ventou durante o passeio todo.

It was windy the whole ride.

Impersonal expressions about the weather
English Translation

Está garoando.

It's drizzling.

Está congelando!

It's freezing!

Está ventando.

It's windy.

Está nublado.

It's cloudy.

Está nublando /
Está ficando nublado.

It’s getting cloudy.

Está fresquinho.

It's cool.

Está friozinho.

It's chilly.

Vai fazer calor.

It will be hot.

Fez 10 graus.

It was 10 degrees.

Faz frio em São Paulo no inverno.

It is cold in São Paulo in winter.

Ontem fez muito sol.

Yesterday it was very sunny.

Que temporal!

It’s pouring!

Other impersonal verbs in Brazilian Portuguese


to be enough

Chega de doces por hoje!

No more sweets for today!


to turn/to be enough

Deu meia-noite.

It turned midnight.

dar + para

to be possible

O que dá para fazer se eu perder o trem?

What can be done if I miss the train?


to seem

Parece que o ônibus vai atrasar.

It seems like the bus is going to be late.


to pass

Passou das nove horas e eles ainda não chegaram.

It's past nine o’clock and they still haven't arrived.

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