an aerial photo of tightly-packed palm trees forming a geometric pattern

Study Resource: Expressions with ‘estar com’ or ‘ter’

By: Fabiana Dametto Oliveira
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

While ter(have) + noun expresses a permanent or long-term situation, estar com(be with) is used to express a temporary condition. Check out our post to learn more about the use of the verb ter in Brazilian Portuguese!

Estar com

ter ciúmes

estar com ciúmes

to be jealous

ter dor de cabeça

estar com dor de cabeça

to have a headache

ter dor nas costas

estar com dor nas costas

to have back pain

ter febre

estar com febre

to have a fever

ter fome

estar com fome

to be hungry

ter medo

estar com medo

to be scared

ter pressa

estar com pressa

to be in a hurry

ter saudade

estar com saudade

to miss something or someone

ter sede

estar com sede

to be thirsty

ter sono

estar com sono

to be sleepy

ter vergonha

estar com vergonha

to be ashamed

ter frio

estar com frio

to be cold

ter calor

estar com calor

to be hot

ter raiva

estar com raiva

to be angry

ter problemas

estar com problemas

to be in trouble

ter inveja

estar com inveja

to be jealous

ter vontade de

estar com vontade de

to feel like

ter sorte/azar

estar com sorte/azar

to be lucky/unlucky

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