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Study Resource: Non-action verbs in Brazilian Portuguese

By: Ana Amélia Rodrigues dos Santos
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

This table provides a few common non-action verbs in Brazilian Portuguese. Because these verbs typically describe permanent states or characteristics, they are often used in the simple present tense.

Non-action Verb


to be

Ele é brasileiro.

He is Brazilian.


to be

João está atrasado.

João is late.


to be, to stay, to remain, to keep

A Bahia fica no Brasil.

Bahia is in Brazil.


to be

Camila anda cansada.

Camila is tired.


to remain, to stay

Ele permanece acordado durante o voo.

He remains awake during the flight.


to continue, to be still

O tempo continua bom.

The weather is still good.


to become

Este problema se torna ainda mais difícil.

This problem becomes even more difficult.


to become

O menino vira uma fera.

The boy gets/becomes angry.

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