an exciting concert and light show at a nightclub in Brazil

Study Resource: Brazilian Portuguese time markers to use with the imperfect tense

By: Fabiana Dametto Oliveira
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

The following time markers are often used along with the imperfect tense in Brazilian Portuguese.

Time marker

à medida que


À medida que eles se conheciam, tornavam-se amigos.

As they got to know each other, they became friends.



Antes eu almoçava em casa.

Before, I used to have lunch at home.


in the past

Antigamente as pessoas não tinham celular.

In the past, people didn’t have cell phones.

às vezes


Às vezes eu dormia até tarde.

Sometimes I slept until late.

na infância

in childhood

Na infância eu comia muitos doces.

As a child I used to eat a lot of sweets.

de vez em quando

from time to time

De vez em quando nós íamos ao jardim botânico.

From time to time we went to the botanical garden.



As crianças conversavam enquanto a professora falava.

The children were talking while the teacher was talking.

era uma vez

once upon a time

Era uma vez, uma menina que adorava ler.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to read.

quando eu era mais jovem

when I was younger

Quando eu era mais jovem eu comprava revistas em quadrinhos.

When I was younger I used to buy comic books.

naquela época

at that time / back then

Naquela época as pessoas enviavam cartas.

At that time people used to send letters.

na adolescência

in adolescence

Na adolescência eles amavam surfar.

In adolescence they used to love surfing.



Eles nunca iam à praia.

They never went to the beach.



Eles sempre iam ao cinema às quartas-feiras.

They always went to the cinema on Wednesdays.

todos os dias/meses/anos

every day/month/year

Todos os dias nós conversávamos e tomávamos café no trabalho.

Every day we talked and had coffee at work.

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