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Study Resource: Summary of ‘ser’ vs. ‘estar’ in Brazilian Portuguese

By: Fabiana Dametto Oliveira
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

The following is a summary of the differences between ser and estar in Brazilian Portuguese. For a more in-depth explanation, check out our post on ser vs. estar in Brazilian Portuguese.


Use ser for…

  • Identification and description of people or things:

    • Eu sou a Patrícia.

      I am Patrícia.

    • Esse é meu carro novo.

      This is my new car.

  • Nationality, occupation, ideology, and origin:

    • Danilo é chileno, professor e católico.

      Danilo is Chilean, a professor, and Catholic.

    • A pizza é italiana.

      The pizza is Italian.

  • Material and possession: ser + de:

    Este vaso é de cerâmica e é da Gabriela.

    This vase is made out of ceramic and is Gabriela’s.

  • Family and relationships:

    • Gabriel é meu irmão.

      Gabriel is my brother.

    • Angélica e Carlos são colegas.

      Angelica and Carlos are colleagues.

  • Personality and physical descriptions of people or things:

    • Flávia é simpática, baixa e magra.

      Flavia is friendly, short, and thin.

    • A casa de Flávia é grande.

      Flavia’s house is big.

  • Permanent location (for places):

    São Paulo é no Brasil.

    São Paulo is in Brazil.

  • Time, day, and date:

    • É meia-noite.

      It is midnight.

    • Hoje é feriado.

      Today is a bank holiday.

    • Hoje é 22 de março.

      Today is March 22th.

  • Auxiliary verb in passive voice (focus on the action):

    O livro foi escrito por Marta Medeiros.

    The book was written by Marta Medeiros.

Use estar for…

  • Feelings, physical states, and conditions:

    • estar + adjective:

      • Ela está animada.

        She is excited.

      • Ele está doente.

        He’s sick.

    • estar + com + noun:

      O bebê está com fome.

      The baby is hungry.

  • Weather:

    Está frio lá fora.

    It’s cold outside.

  • Temporary location (for people and objects):

    • Meu irmão está no restaurante.

      My brother is at the restaurant.

    • Os pratos estão no armário.

      The plates are in the cupboard.

  • In progressive tenses:

    Nós estamos cozinhando.

    We are cooking.

  • Auxiliary verb in passive voice (focus on the final result):

    As inscrições para o concurso estão encerradas.

    The entries for the contest are closed.

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