a tasteful photo of the architecture of a sleek brutalist art museum in Brazil

Study Resource: Plural noun reference sheet

By: Fabiana Dametto Oliveira
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Brazilian Portuguese nouns that are always plural

The following nouns in Brazilian Portuguese are always plural.

Brazilian Portuguese

os parabéns

the congratulations

as costas*

the back

as férias

the vacation

os óculos

the glasses

as núpcias

the nuptials

os pêsames

the condolences

os arredores

the surroundings

as olheiras

the under eye dark circles

as Olimpíadas

the Olympic games

*The word costas does technically have a singular form, but using it in the singular changes its meaning. The singular form, a costa, means “the coast” and not “the back.”

Nouns that have a singular form in Brazilian Portuguese but not in English

The following nouns can be singular in Brazilian Portuguese, even though they are always plural in English.


a calça

as calças

the pants

a tesoura

as tesouras

the scissors

a pinça

as pinças

the tongs

o aparelho ortodôntico

os aparelhos ortodônticos

the braces

a cueca

as cuecas

the briefs

a calça jeans

as calças jeans

the jeans

a calcinha

as calcinhas

the knickers

o pijama

os pijamas

the pajamas

o short

os shorts

the shorts

a meia-calça

as meias-calças

the tights

a notícia

as notícias

the news

a bateria

as baterias

the drums

o macacão

os macacões

the dungarees

a escada

as escadas

the stairs

a gengiva

as gengivas

the gums

a louça

as louças

the dishes

Plural form of nouns ending in ‘-x’

The following Brazilian Portuguese nouns, which end in -x, have the same form in the singular vs. plural.


o botox

os botox

the botox

o ex

os ex

the ex

o tórax

os tórax

the chest

o látex

os látex

the latex

a fênix

as fênix

the phoenix

o dúplex

os dúplex

the duplex

o fax

os fax

the fax

o clímax

os clímax

the climax

Exceptions to the ‘-ão’ → ‘ões’ rule

Most Brazilian Portuguese nouns that end in -ão in the singular end with -ões in the plural, but there are a few exceptions that take -ães or -ãos in the plural instead. These include the following nouns:

  • -ão → ães


    o pão

    os pães

    the bread

    o alemão

    os alemães

    the German(s)

    o cão

    os cães

    the dog(s)

    o capitão

    os capitães

    the captain(s)

    o catalão

    os catalães

    the Catalan(s)

    o guardião

    os guardiães

    the guardian(s)

  • -ão → ãos


    o chão

    os chãos

    the floor(s)

    o cidadão

    os cidadãos

    the citizen(s)

    o cristão

    os cristãos

    the Christian(s)

    o grão

    os grãos

    the grain(s)

    o irmão

    os irmãos

    the brother(s)

    o mão

    os mãos

    the hand(s)

    o órfão

    os órfãos

    the orphan(s)

    o órgão

    os órgãos

    the organ(s)

    o sótão

    os sótãos

    the attic(s)

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