Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer statue at dawn

Activities: “How to express possession in Brazilian Portuguese?”

By: Ana Amélia Rodrigues dos Santos
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: What do I have here?

Take a look at the image below. Then, describe the objects as if they were yours. Use the possessive adjectives meu, meus, minha, minhas(my), and remember to form their agreement with the nouns.

A photo of several items on the floor. A pair of boots, a pair of sunglasses, a purse, a cell phone, a coin purse, a scarf, a watch, a camera, a folded shirt, a belt, and a tablet in a leather case

  • capa de ipad.

  • cinto.

  • blusa.

  • sacolinha/capinha de óculos.

  • cachecol.

  • câmera fotográfica.

  • relógio.

  • celular.

  • bolsa.

  • óculos de sol.

  • sapatos.

Activity 2: Fill in the blank

Now imagine the following situations and complete the sentences with the most appropriate possessive adjective: meu, meus, minha, minhas, teu, tua, teus, tuas, seu, seus, sua, suas, nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas. In some situations, more than one answer is possible.

  • You are studying with another college student and need to use his pen:

    Empresta-me a caneta?

  • You are working with scissors. When you refer to them, you say:

    A tesoura está enferrujada.

    enferrujada = “rusty”
  • You and your friend Lúcia are studying, but both Lúcia’s books and yours are in the other room:

    Tenho que pegar os livros na outra sala.

  • When you arrive at work, you realize that Pedro does not have his computer. You ask:

    Pedro, onde está o computador?

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