Study Resource: Reflexive verbs in Brazilian Portuguese
This study resource presents some examples of different kinds of reflexive verbs in Brazilian Portuguese.
Intransitive reflexive verbs
Verbs that are often used only as reflexive:
Brazilian Portuguese | English |
comportar-se | to behave oneself |
queixar-se | to complain |
arrepender-se | to regret |
chamar-se | to call oneself |
zangar-se | to be mad |
abster-se | to abstain |
lembrar-se | to remember oneself |
atrever-se | to dare |
despedir-se | to say goodbye |
Transitive reflexive verbs
Verbs that can be either reflexive or non-reflexive:
Brazilian Portuguese | English |
levantar-se | to get up |
deitar-se | to lie down |
olhar-se | to look at oneself |
arrumar-se | to get ready |
vestir-se | to get dressed |
pentear-se | to comb oneself |
barbear-se | to shave oneself |
cuidar-se | to take care of oneself |
alongar-se | to stretch out |
preocupar-se | to worry |
incubir-se | to take care of oneself |
contorcer-se | to squirm |
machucar-se/ ferir-se | to get hurt |
cortar-se | to cut oneself |
apresentar-se | to introduce oneself |
divertir-se | to enjoy oneself |
convercer-se | to convince oneself |
negar-se | to deny oneself |
encorajar-se | to encourage oneself |
enganar-se | to deceive |
alimentar-se | to feed oneself |
maquiar-se | to put on makeup |
encontrar-se | to meet up |
inscrever-se | to sign up |
lamentar-se | to feel sorry for something |
banhar-se | to bathe |
casar-se | to get married |
mudar-se | to move (homes) |
surpreender-se | to surprise oneself |
Expressions with reflexive pronouns
fazer-se de bobo:
The literal translation of this expression is “to make a fool of oneself.”
However, when a person says, “Ela se fez de boba durante a conversa,” it actually means that she pretended to not have understood something.
matar-se de + infinitive:
The literal translation of matar-se de de is “to kill oneself by” + verb.
However, when a person says, “O aluno se matou de estudar para o exame,” it means that the student studied a lot for the exam and put a lot of effort into doing it.