lush tropical bouquets adorn an outdoor table set with wicker plates for fine dining

Activities: “Augmentatives: What are they and how to form them in Brazilian Portuguese?”

By: Ana Amélia Rodrigues dos Santos
Associated Articles

These activities are part of our Brazilian Portuguese Grammar series. The skills we are practicing here are covered in our article:

Activity 1: Spot the augmentatives

In the sentences below, there are two that use augmentative words. Can you identify which they are?

Activity 2: Add the augmentative

Complete the sentences below with the words in parentheses in the augmentative form.

  • Aquela árvore é . (grande)

    A photo of two giant ancient trees at sunset.
  • Maurício tem um . (cachorro)

    A photo of a fat golden retriever lying on the ground. A man is reaching down to pet it on its head.
  • Que de bola! (jogo)

    A photo of two women with long hair playing soccer. One is in a red uniform, the other in a green uniform and the photo has been taken from behind, while they are both jumping into the air trying to head the ball.
  • Ela escreveu um . (livro)

    A photo of a woman sitting in front of a computer, writing with a pen in a notebook.

Activity 3: Why the augmentative?

Determine which meaning corresponds to each of the augmentative words below:

  • Aquele cachorro tem um vidão.

  • As crianças estão fazendo um dramalhão para tomarem banho.

  • Miguel e Isabel fizeram um festão de aniversário.

  • Sofia tem uma mãezona que lhe enche de carinho.

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